Career Planning

Trainees will build the advanced skills and knowledge required for practicing independently as a specialist and leading a clinical team. Medical training in Ireland typically involves completing a four-, five- or six-year undergraduate degree in medicine, followed by a one-year internship and a three- to seven-year specialist training pathways.

BST + HST pathway

Medical school

Duration period: 5 or 6 years
An undergraduate degree in medicine


Duration period: 1 year
Internship of one year

BST [incl. IST*]

Duration period: 2 to 4 years
Basic Specialty Training (BST) - * Initial Specialist Training (IST) is the name for BST or initial years of SST pathways


Duration period: 4 to 6 years
Higher Specialty Training (HST)


Duration period: 2 years
Fellowship is an optional specialist qualification often taken post-CSCST before applying to be a consultant
SST pathway

Medical school

Duration period: 5 or 6 years
An undergraduate degree in medicine


Duration period: 1 year
Internship of one year

SST [incl. IST*]

Duration period: 4 to 6 years
Streamlined Specialist Training (SST) - * Initial Specialist Training (IST) is the name for BST or initial years of SST pathways


Duration period: 2 years
Fellowship is an optional specialist qualification often taken post-CSCST before applying to be a consultant