Ireland operates a mixed public-private healthcare system. The public healthcare system is managed by the Health Service Executive (HSE), which is funded through general taxation. It provides a wide range of services, including hospital care, GP services, and community health services (either free of charge or at a subsidised rate, depending on eligibility criteria such as income, age, or medical need). Ireland’s private healthcare sector enables individuals to opt for private health insurance to access private hospitals and clinics.
The Health Service Executive (HSE) provides public health and social services to the people of the Republic of Ireland through hospitals and community services across the country. The services delivered within these hospitals include scheduled care, unscheduled care, maternity services, outpatient services, and diagnostic services.
Learn more about the Irish health system and Health Service Executive (HSE).
The HSE is a single organisation with 6 health regions. Each region is responsible for providing both hospital and community care for the people in that area. The regions remain under the governance of the HSE Board and the HSE continues to be responsible for standards and guidelines.
Community health services and hospitals are integrated in each region to provide the following patient services:
Each region has its own budget, leadership team and responsibility for local decision-making. They continue to work towards the Sláintecare objectives. Each of these six regions are led by a Regional Executive Officer (REO) who is accountable and responsible for regional health and social care services. The 6 REOs reports directly to the HSE Chief Executive Officer.
The 6 health regions cover the following healthcare areas:
(A small portion of west county Cavan continues to come under Sligo and Leitrim for health services.)
Learn more about health regionsIndividual hospitals within Ireland can be classified as:
Depending on the services provided, public acute hospitals in Ireland are categorised as being a Model 1, 2, 3, or 4.
Other public hospitals provide care to a particular cohort of patients or one specialism: