Senior House Officer (SHO)

A senior house officer (SHO) is a type of non-consultant hospital doctor. SHOs are supervised in their work by consultants and registrars. SHOs in Ireland can be employed either in training posts or standalone posts.

NCHDs who are not enrolled on a recognised postgraduate training scheme in Ireland are employed in standalone posts or non-training posts.

Two doctors leaving an elevator

Initial Specialist Training posts

Initial Specialist Training (IST) is the first stage in specialisation for doctors training in Ireland. IST describes the initial years of Streamlined Specialist Training (SST) and Basic Specialist Training (BST). IST is a hospital-based training programme, completed in senior house officer posts, which prepares you for Higher Specialist Training – the final stage of training.

In addition to supervised clinical training in the hospital, you will need to complete exams and courses designed to help you to develop professionally and acquire the skills and knowledge needed to provide excellent patient care.

How long does Initial Specialist Training last?

Depending on the specialty, IST typically lasts two or three years. Psychiatry has a four-year IST programme. While you are engaged in IST, you will most likely be employed at senior house officer (SHO) level, however it is possible you will be employed at registrar level during the later stages of IST (i.e. years three or four). These posts are supervised by the postgraduate medical training bodies (PGMTBs) and accredited by the Medical Council of Ireland.

Recruitment for IST posts

Recruitment for IST posts is organised by the relevant PGMTBs and usually opens in the autumn, with the majority of IST/BST schemes closing in October or November. Available training places are agreed between the PGMTB and the HSE.

SHOs in training are supervised in their work by consultants and registrars, who oversee training and are usually the designated clinical supervisors. Candidates complete a two-to-four-year programme at senior house officer (SHO) or registrar level, rotating across clinical sites every three to 12 months. Training posts are fully salaried posts.

The requirements and application process varies between specialties. You can explore all this information in our medical specialties section.

Non-training posts

Non-training, or standalone, posts do not contribute to IST but allow doctors to gain further real-world experience and improve their competitiveness in applying to training schemes. SHOs in non-training posts are supervised in their work by consultants and registrars, and their duties match those of SHOs on training scheme posts.

Standalone posts allow you to choose exactly which post and site to apply to. You can use the time out of scheme to pursue further qualifications and examinations.

How long do non-training posts last?

Standalone SHO post run in three-month, six-month, or year-long blocks.

Recruitment for non-training posts

Standalone SHO posts are recruited locally by the employing clinical site. These are advertised either on or on the hospital’s own website.

The HSE website has more information about applying for standalone SHO posts.

It’s important to prioritise self-care and find ways to manage stress and maintain your wellbeing. Learn more about work-life balance for doctors.

Funding supports for NCHDs

There are various educational funding supports available to non-consultant hospital doctors (NCHDs). You’ll find an overview of funding and support schemes in our Supports section.